Microsoft Visio 2016 Step By Step
书名: Microsoft Visio 2016 Step by Step
格式: EPUB
大小: 25.7M
语言: 英语
Scott A. Helmers is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft Visio and is the primary Visio expert at He has helped companies create custom Visio add-ins to enhance organizational efficiency and employee productivity, and has taught thousands of people how to use technology more effectively.
He is Vice President of Product Planning and Support at the Harvard Computing Group, a software and consulting firm that helps clients understand and implement business process solutions. Scott is a co-inventor of TaskMap (, a Visio add-in that anyone can use to document and improve all of the important aspects of any business process.
Scott has worked with clients in Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Ireland, Jordan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Canada, and the United States on projects involving knowledge management, specification of new IT systems, process mapping and redesign, and technology training. In addition, he has been an Adjunct Professor at both Northeastern University and Boston University.
Scott is the author of three previous books: Microsoft Visio 2013 Step by Step (Microsoft Press, 2013), Microsoft Visio 2010 Step by Step (Microsoft Press, 2011), and Data Communications: A Beginner's Guide to Concepts and Technology (Prentice-Hall, 1989). He also contributed Chapter 9, "Visio and Visio Services," to Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 by Norm Warren, Mariano Neto, Stacia Misner, Ivan Sanders, and Scott Helmers (Microsoft Press, 2013). Information about Scott's books is available at
When not working or spending time with his family in Andover, Massachusetts, Scott can usually be found on his bicycle or working with a local community theater company.
Introduction xiii
Who this book is for xiii
The Step by Step approach xiii
Sidebar: Adapt procedure steps xiv
Download the practice files xvi
Ebook edition xviii
Get support and give feedback xix
Errata and support xix
We want to hear from you xix
Stay in touch xix
Part 1: Create Visio diagrams
Chapter 1: Get started with Visio 2016 3
Identify the editions of Visio 2016 4
Discover new features in Visio 2016 4
Get started in Visio 2016 7
Sidebar: Understand shapes, masters, stencils, and templates 8
Explore the Backstage view 13
The Info page 14
The New page 16
The Open page 17
The Save command 17
The Save As page 18
The Print page 18
The Share page 18
The Export page 20
The Close command 20
The Account page 20
The Visio Options dialog box 22
Understand tool tabs and add-in tabs 23
Use tool tabs 23
Use add-in tabs 24
Begin quickly by using starter diagrams 25
Explore the drawing window 28
Sidebar: How do I scroll through page name tabs? 32
Manage the Shapes window 33
Pan and zoom in the drawing window 37
Skills review 41
Practice tasks 42
Chapter 2: Create diagrams 45
Place shapes by using the Dynamic Grid 46
Select shapes 51
Copy, paste, and duplicate shapes 53
Position shapes by using rulers and guides 55
Use rulers to align and size shapes 56
Use guides to align and size shapes 57
Resize, reposition, and reorient shapes 60
Use control handles 60
Use the Size & Position window 62
Connect shapes by using lines 65
Sidebar: Create 2-D shapes by using the line tools 69
Connect shapes by using dynamic connectors 70
Connect to shapes that contain connection points 70
Connect to shapes that do not contain connection points 72
Change connector style and segmentation 74
Sidebar: Identifying 1-D shapes and types of glue 76
Use AutoConnect and Quick Shapes 77
Use AutoAdd and AutoDelete 83
Use AutoAdd 84
Use AutoDelete 86
Skills review 87
Practice tasks 88
Chapter 3: Manage text, shapes, and pages 95
Manage shape text 96
Add text to shapes 96
Reposition and resize shape text 98
Orient shape text 99
Create and format text boxes 102
Add ScreenTips and comments 104
Insert pictures 109
Replace shapes 111
Group shapes 114
Understand and use layers 116
Manage pages 120
Work with foreground pages 122
Configure foreground pages 125
Manage Auto Size 128
Work with background pages and borders 130
Skills review 134
Practice tasks 135
Chapter 4: Create business process diagrams 139
Select a flowchart template 140
Visio Standard 140
Visio Professional 141
Sidebar: Vertical or horizontal? 142
Create flowcharts 142
Sidebar: Dynamic or static glue? 146
Understand swimlane diagrams 149
Sidebar: Add-in tabs 150
Build swimlane diagrams 152
Understand BPMN 155
Design BPMN diagrams 158
Create subprocesses 164
Skills review 167
Practice tasks 168
Chapter 5: Create organization charts 171
Understand organization charts 172
Review new features 172
Use org chart templates 173
Build organization charts manually 173
Use existing data to create an organization chart 177
Use the Organization Chart Wizard with new data 185
Alter layout and appearance 187
Change the layout 187
Arrange shapes 189
Change shape appearance 191
Sidebar: The names keep changing! 193
Work with pictures 195
Apply themes 197
Import photographs as you create organization charts 198
Skills review 201
Practice tasks 202
Chapter 6: Add style, color, and themes 205
Align and space shapes 206
Align shapes 206
Sidebar: What’s in front? 207
Space and orient shapes 209
Align and space shapes automatically 211
Understand theme concepts 213
Sidebar: Hand-drawn themes 215
Apply themes and variants 216
Choose themes and variants 216
Customize themes and variants 219
Use effects and Quick Styles 221
Highlight shapes by using effects 222
Embellish shapes by using Quick Styles 225
Apply solid, gradient, and pattern fills 227
Apply line colors and patterns 230
Use the Format Painter 233
Skills review 234
Practice tasks 235
Chapter 7: Create network and datacenter diagrams 239
Build basic network diagrams 240
Build detailed network diagrams 242
Use 3-D equipment shapes 244
Sidebar: Where can I find more network shapes? 246