



第10课–位移CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 10 - Displacements.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209413

第11课–照明第1部分,基本照明CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 11 - Lighting Part 1, Basic Lighting.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209328

第12课–照明第2部分,spr,效果,光照贴图CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 12 - Lighting Part 2, Sprites, Effects, Lightmap Grid.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209320

第13课–照明第3部分,高级照明 HDRCSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 13 - Lighting Part 3, Advanced Lighting HDR.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209385

第14课–门,梯子和小鸡CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 14 - Doors, Ladders, and Chickens.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209319

第15课– 3D SKYBOX和雾CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 15 - 3D Skybox, and Fog.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209457

第16课–自定义纹理,立方体贴图和反射CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 16 - Custom Textures, Cubemaps, and Reflections.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209488

第17课–贴花和INFO_OVERLAYCSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 17 - Decals and info_Overlay.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209471

第18课–声音CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 18 - Sounds.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209497

第19课-优化第1部分CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 19 - Optimization Part 1.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209613

第1课–安装和了解SDK工具CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 1 - Installing and Understanding the SDK Tools.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209524

第20课-优化第2部分CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 20 - Optimization Part 2.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209712

第21课-定稿和发布CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 21 - Finalizing and Publishing.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209622

第2课–建立我们的第一个房间CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 2 - Creating Our First Room.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209616

第3课-造型笔刷CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 3 - Shaping Brushes.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209627

第4课– CS地图特有结构设计简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 4 - Intro to CS Level Design.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209715

第5课–构建,测试和修复简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 5 - Building, Testing, and Fixing Dev Level.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209915

第6课-道具简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 6 - Introduction to Props.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209716

第7课-优化简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 7 - Introduction to Optimization.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209747

第8课–游戏模式和雷达CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 8 - Game Modes and Radars.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209874

第9课–为您的关卡制作纹理CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 9 - Texturing Your Level.MP4: https://72k.us/file/2047025-426209887

第10课–位移CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 10 - Displacements.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209413
第11课–照明第1部分,基本照明CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 11 - Lighting Part 1, Basic Lighting.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209328
第12课–照明第2部分,spr,效果,光照贴图CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 12 - Lighting Part 2, Sprites, Effects, Lightmap Grid.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209320
第13课–照明第3部分,高级照明 HDRCSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 13 - Lighting Part 3, Advanced Lighting HDR.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209385
第14课–门,梯子和小鸡CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 14 - Doors, Ladders, and Chickens.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209319
第15课– 3D SKYBOX和雾CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 15 - 3D Skybox, and Fog.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209457
第16课–自定义纹理,立方体贴图和反射CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 16 - Custom Textures, Cubemaps, and Reflections.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209488
第17课–贴花和INFO_OVERLAYCSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 17 - Decals and info_Overlay.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209471
第18课–声音CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 18 - Sounds.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209497
第19课-优化第1部分CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 19 - Optimization Part 1.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209613
第1课–安装和了解SDK工具CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 1 - Installing and Understanding the SDK Tools.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209524
第20课-优化第2部分CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 20 - Optimization Part 2.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209712
第21课-定稿和发布CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 21 - Finalizing and Publishing.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209622
第2课–建立我们的第一个房间CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 2 - Creating Our First Room.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209616
第3课-造型笔刷CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 3 - Shaping Brushes.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209627
第4课– CS地图特有结构设计简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 4 - Intro to CS Level Design.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209715
第5课–构建,测试和修复简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 5 - Building, Testing, and Fixing Dev Level.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209915
第6课-道具简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 6 - Introduction to Props.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209716
第7课-优化简介CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 7 - Introduction to Optimization.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209747
第8课–游戏模式和雷达CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 8 - Game Modes and Radars.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209874
第9课–为您的关卡制作纹理CSGO Level Design Boot Camp - Day 9 - Texturing Your Level.MP4: http://545c.com/file/2047025-426209887







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