Cocos2d Game Development Blueprints [PDF]
作 者:Jorge Jordan
版 本:第 1 版
页 数:548 页
书籍介绍Cocos2d is one of the most popular 2D game engines for the iOS platform. It is packed with powerful features that set it apart from other game engines. It can be used to build games, apps, and other cross-platform GUI-based interactive programs.
This practical guide will develop your skills in designing and developing iOS games across several genres. You will start with managing collisions through building a horizontal scroll game for both iPhone and iPad, you will then go through building a shooting game. After that, you will learn how to use the accelerometer to control movement, load particle systems such as explosions, draw primitives, and create parallax effects. We also cover essential elements of the Cocos2d package including sprite sheets, multiple image file loading to animate a sprite, building physics behavior with Chipmunk, using filters and listeners, and providing powerful AI, non-playable characters, and pathfinder algorithms with a cool tower defence game.
***** Who This Book Is For *****
Whether you are a passionate gamer, like developing, or are just curious about game development, this book is for you. The book has been written to teach 2D game development to app developers and to teach Objective-C to game developers, as learning Cocos2d is the perfect step for both roles.
Game ProgrammingITProgrammingComputer