MindNode 2 for Mac 2.0.4 中文破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具
MindNode 2 是一款 Mac 上的思维导图工具,MindNode 2 是一款Mac上小巧但功能强大的思维导图工具,简单易用,能够让我们快速的创建出美观的思维导图,单击一次即可创建新节点,支持iCloud共享,并且具有iPhone和iPad客户端,支持 iCloud Drive 和 HandsOff 协作功能,非常强大!
[MindNode 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]
MindNode 2 介绍Mindnode 2 for mac是一个功能强大且直观的思维导图软件,免费版功能界面极简,支持全键盘操作,界面响应迅猛,满足基础要求。 它同时具备专注性和灵活性,是进行头脑风暴和组织规划生活事务的绝佳工具 - 还可通过iCloud 进行共享,这意味着你可以随时将你的思维导图随身携带。 v2.0.4版本新功能 Note:MindNode is currently on sale for 33% off.
Adds the ability to look-up connection label text using the built-in dictionary or search the label text using Google
Automatically increase the sidebar note field resizing the window
Show the QuickLook preview of a linked file when option clicking on a file link in the popover
When enabling manual width in inspector, set the keyboard focus on the width text field
Adds the ability to drag and drop multiple files
Improves performance when printing large documents
Fixes an inspector UI glitch when exiting full screen mode
Fixes a UI glitch when opening the sidebar using the menubar item
Automatically adapt size of export sheet
Discard unsupported text attributes when pasting text into the notes field
Fixes a bug that caused incorrect subnode ordering when changing between layout styles
Prevent loosing note content when closing a document
Fixes an issue that prevented changing the font size immediately after exiting edit mode
Don’t discard font traits when reconnecting a node
Fixes a bug related to correctly enabling links of nodes with centered text
Fixes an issue that caused incorrect pasting of outlines into Microsoft Word
Correctly paste text from Microsoft Word
Ensure custom shortcuts are correctly registered after app launch
Close note popover when triggering QuickLook in Outline
Don’t animate changes during main node editing
Fixes a crash during MyMindNode upload
Fixes blurry text during text editing on non retina displays
Fixes creating PDF file links using drag and drop
Improves drag in images from Safari
Fixes an incorrect node ordering issue during text export
Fixes Spotlight importer
MindNode204.dmg: http://545c.com/file/160721-113335247MindNode224[MAS].dmg: http://545c.com/file/160721-147808239
MindNodePro1114.dmg: http://545c.com/file/160721-113335253