
8Dio Orchestral Shepards KONTAKT

8Dio Orchestral Shepards KONTAKT.jpg

FANTASTiC | 05 July 2018 | 2.34 GB

“… Shepard Tones are the latest psycho-acoustic phenomena in modern cinematic scoring. The Shepard’s create a whole new emotional atmosphere around your composition. What’s so beautiful about them is that they create an illusion of rising or falling elements, but without really doing so and without conflicting with the rest of your music. It’s a sonic illusion at its finest and an integral tool for anyone interested in contemporary scoring.” (Troels Folmann)

Orchestral Shepards represent the next generation of musical design tools. Following our original Shepards Tones library, this one brings you another collection of constantly rising and falling sonic elements, but now – purely organic, created only with orchestral and various acoustic instruments like strings, brass, choirs, pianos, guitars, percussion and lots of others.

The tone is dark and otherworldly. Fractals within fractals. An everlasting evolving musical landscape.

Organic Shepards

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8Dio Orchestral Shepard Tones contains hundreds and hundreds of acoustically recorded Shepard tones. Whether you are looking for slow, medium or fast-rising Shepards. Whether you are looking for String risers, Brass Risers, Choir Risers, Woodwinds Shepards. Whether you want them dry or wet or perhaps with our new big-verb impulses. 8Dio Orchestral Shepard Tones is the definitive high-end tool for this beautiful sonic illusion. The journey ends here, yet rising in eternity.

Shepards Of Chaos

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Orchestral Shepards contain a fully rendered 3D-based user interface (GUI) with a variety of new controls, including a tempo-synced gate, reverse, randomiser, speed control, pitch envelope, glide and offset – all accessible from the front interface. You can also go deeper into our Chaos FX and control everything from step based filtering, multi-band EQ, stereo delay, bit crusher, distortion & a dual-convolution reverb.

All The Options

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8Dio Orchestral Shepard Tones comes with a wealth of one-click effects. A single click and your Shepard is reversed – creating a downwards spiral type of sound. Another click and the BPM-synced Gate Function is activated. The layout of 8Dio Shepard Tones offers you access to several Shepards at the same time. A single click on our Stack function and you can stack hundreds of Shepards together in real-time. We created the Shepards in all frequency spectrums from bass to ultra-high, so you can choose exactly the one that fits your composition. It’s awesome!

Control the CHAOS

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Our CHAOS Effects Engine allows you to STACK, RANDOMIZE, REVERSE and CHAOS any or ALL patches with a single click. Stacking allows you to stack several different Shepard patches together or combine several of our modern drum kits. Reverse allows you to reverse any sample with a single click. The deeper parts of the chaos engine offers you control over 1.500 sample parameters. You randomize whatever you want – with just a click.

•Orchestral Shepards Tones

•Kontakt VST / AU / AAX

•100’s of String, Brass and Woodwind Shepards

•100’s of Choral, Plucked and Percussive Shepards

•Large section of Aleatoric Bonus Effects

•+40 Custom Presets

•Familiar Hybrid Tools Interface

•Instant REVERSE, RANDOM, STACK and CHAOS features

•Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.7 (or later) Required


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