不论是举办营销活动、设计海报、筹划博物馆展览、设计计算机游戏,还是更复杂的控制系统的设计,我们看到的 最终设计作品实际上是诸多设计领域里的概念与实践的融合。直到今天,仍然没有人能做到对这些领域全部精通,因此设计师要设计一个作品,就要在各领域不断搜寻和借鉴。
Courses in psychology and anthropology were glaringly absent from my undergraduate and graduate design education. Indeed, a deeper understanding of human behavior and a scholarly approach to design were almost entirely overlooked. I left college with considerable knowledge in form making and very little knowledge in understanding human perception and meaning making.Universal Principles of Design is a resource that helps to fill in some of the gaps, dispel myths, and give sound reasons for much of what is felt intuitively, and yet not fully understood.
For years I’ve been a fan of the HGTV house buying-fixing-renovating shows on TV, and I’ve never seen one person express a desire for low ceilings, rooms with small windows, or a bad view. Universal Principles of Design guides the designer toward the reasons that people love high, expansive ceilings—the Cathedral Effect—and big windows with beautiful nature views—the Biophilia Effect. And who would have guessed that high ceilings promote creativity and that views of nature are restorative to the sense of well-being?
I’ve never really had reasons as to why some products resonate with many people and others don’t, nor did I know that there’s a method to calculate the human response. Intuitively, I’ve always felt that good design coupled with good quality trumped all, and although those two qualities are a big part of the picture, there’s much more to consider in the deeper underlying symbols and meanings. Propositional Density looks at meaning in terms of analogies of shape, meaning, and supposition. It gives the designer the ability to calculate the product design’s capability to resonate with people. Maybe even more importantly, it gives the designer a way to communicate with a client in terms of supporting the choices that have been made for the design.
Universal Principles of Design brought me to a deeper understanding of the
human equation in design. There’s so much more to design than what meets the
eye in surface styling. Human motivation is mysterious and tied to subconscious
instincts, perceptions, and influences. Universal Principles of Design reveals
the driving forces behind human motivation and brings the designer to an
understanding of the intuitive. These principles aren’t guesswork. They’re real,
based on sound research, and they work.