ISP ROBUSKEY 1.2 for After Effects and Premiere CS5-CC 2015 (x86 x64)
23 MB
ROBUSKEY for Video is plug-in for Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro. The plug-in was created in response to requests from creative professionals for a tool that would make it easier to cut out a background and create more visually appealing composites.
Matting is possible even if the video is shot under non-ideal conditions, such as weak lighting, wrinkles or shadows on the background, or too small of a background. Matting work and time are cut considerably. The plug-in can be used not only when editing the video but also when actually shooting it.
Advanced processes like removing background variations or reflections on the subject's skin and adjusting edges are also possible After Effects is easy to use and creates more natural-looking renderings with simple parameters. Supports high-definition video over 4K. Available for professional use, such as movies and CM films.
GPU-accelerated plug-in. Chroma Keying is GPU-accelerated by NVIDIA CUDA Technology. It requires NVIDIA graphics cards support CUDA and works with After Effecs CS5/CS5.5/CS6/CC
System Requirements:
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015
Premiere Pro CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015