Typopro Typography Pack - Title Animation - Kinetic - Minimal - Vintage [v3.5] 20448499
Add-on Files Included .aep, jsxbin
Works With Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015, Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CC 2014, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CC 2014, Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CS5/CS6/CC, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CS5/CS6/CC
Tags animation, clean, corporate, kinetic, kinetic typography, minimal, pack, package, presentation, text animation, title, title animation, titles, typography, vintage
TypoPro is a huge package of professionally animated typographies in after-effects as a template package that can use in titles, lower thirds, promos, presentation, TV and etc. also included a user-friendly script to helping you in editing and customizing typographies in the package.
Create this highly detailed effect from your purpose with just a few clicks. Customizable settings in After Effects allow you to completely transform your results, giving you maximum control in maximum size ( 4k ).
That’s right, no plugins, no pre renders and no third party apps. You control the colors of typography, the speed, the time of appearing and disappearing, applying amazing typography effects, the alpha background also background color preview, time trigger and much, much more.
piae201801221341.rar: http://545c.com/file/583850-235042730标签