AE模板 网络电子商务产品促销广告视频短片 Sale Ad Toolkit
After Effects Version CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Resolution 1920x1080
File Size 217MB
Sale Ad Toolkit template is perfect solution if you want to build sales ad campaign for your shop. Sales Ad Toolkit is designed to be able to push your message to viewers within few seconds, so you won’t loose attention what means higher conversion rate for your campaign. This kind of design suits for online advertisements or even TV spots. Sales Ad Toolkit is composed from simple modules, so you can compose your own ad according to your needs like an easy lego. Breakthrough marker based timing system allows you to change timing of your ad without going into compositions an moving all keyframes. This brings extraordinary flexibility and super-fast workflow. Even novices can compose their own ad within 30-minutes and rendering on mediocre PC would take around 10 minutes. If you’re new to after effects, you can watch short tutorial, which shows you everything you need to know to handle this tutorial and shows you how to create new ad from scratch. Boost your sales with nice ad!
100% After Effects! Everything is customizable.
Marker driven timing.
Video tutorials included (11min will teach you everything you need to create your own ad from scratch)
Completly editable timing, text and color
Full HD 1920×1080 resolution
Tested After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC compability!
This template unfortunatelly can’t be universalized for other languages of After Effects so for example if you have German version of template it won’t work perfectly. Don’t worry, to fix this you need to just switch your after effects to english version which will take just one or two minutes.
To do this, simply place an empty ae_force_english.txt file in your My Documents folder