
MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具

MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具   

MindNode 2 是一款 Mac 上的思维导图工具,MindNode 2 是一款Mac上小巧但功能强大的思维导图工具,简单易用,能够让我们快速的创建出美观的思维导图,单击一次即可创建新节点,支持iCloud共享,并且具有iPhone和iPad客户端,支持 iCloud Drive 和 HandsOff 协作功能,非常强大!

[MindNode 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]

MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 介绍

Mindnode 2 for mac是一个功能强大且直观的思维导图软件,免费版功能界面极简,支持全键盘操作,界面响应迅猛,满足基础要求。 它同时具备专注性和灵活性,是进行头脑风暴和组织规划生活事务的绝佳工具 - 还可通过iCloud 进行共享,这意味着你可以随时将你的思维导图随身携带。 MindNode Pro is a powerful and intuitive mind mapping application. Its focus and flexibility make it the perfect tool for brainstorming and organizing your life - and iCloud sharing means you always have your mind maps with you. MindNode lets you lay out your notes and tasks visually so you can get a bird's-eye view of your project. The clutter-free interface lets you concentrate on generating and connecting ideas, and an infinitely expanding canvas means that no matter how big or complicated your project gets, MindNode can keep up.

Create new nodes with one click

Create cross connections between otherwise unrelated nodes

Drag and drop to move or reconnect nodes

Add images and links to files or webpages

Create multiple mind maps on one canvas

Infinitely large canvas expands to keep up with your ideas

Lion fullscreen mode lets you brainstorm without distractions Organize

Hide and show nodes and branches with one click

Drag and drop nodes to rearrange your mind map

Automatically reorganize complicated mind maps

Highlight important nodes using different colors, fonts, and stroke widths

Search lets you find any node, even if it's hidden-no matter how big the mind map gets Share

WiFi sharing: share files between your Mac and your iOS device over the local wireless network

Export your mind map as a PDF, FreeMind or OPML document, PNG or TIFF image, or RTF or text outline. More MindNode:

MindNode touch Create mind maps with a tap of your finger on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Available on the iOS App Store.

MindNode Lite Explore MindNode's basic features before investing in MindNode Pro. Available on the Mac App Store.


Version 2.2.4:


Adds a new keyboard shortcut (Shift-CMD-U) to toggle the task completion status

Improves font trait inheritance when create a subnode of a node with an image

Use the configured page setup during Word export

Improves automatic link detection

Improves node positioning when switching between layout styles

Improves node positioning when using manual layout

Always use paste and match style when pasting plain text

Improves tinted stickers colors when using the ocean theme


Correctly update the selection after pasting nodes

Fixes a bug that prevented moving of main nodes

Fixes an issue that caused incorrect font inheritance when using paste and match style

Correctly draw task status when using image or PDF export

Improves performance when working with huge documents

Fixes a performance issue when loading a document with many/long cross connections

Prevent loosing a note when toggling the task status

Fixes an incorrect layout issue related to the canvas search bar

Fixes a crash when using search

Correctly update update spelling indicators when toggling spelling

Correctly draw the canvas background when printing a scaled canvas

When choosing to paste from the main menu, ensure to paste in the center of the canvas and not offscreen

MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具MindNode 2 for Mac 2.2.4 激活版 - Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具

MindNode204.dmg: http://545c.com/file/160721-113335247
MindNode224[MAS].dmg: http://545c.com/file/160721-147808239
MindNodePro1114.dmg: http://545c.com/file/160721-113335253

MASmindnode pro头脑风暴序列号思维导图






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