AE模板 人物表情服装背景发型场景创建设计故事动画AE模板 Character City - Explainer Video Toolkit V2
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
File Size 324MB
Character City is a template designed with an explainer video professional in mind. Anyone that has engaged clients to make explainer or product video marketing has seen the challenges of creating a story, designing a storyboard and completing an animated video on tight budgets and short deadlines. This after effects template, Character City version 2 is an Explainer Animation Video Toolkit that includes an updated, improved bundle packed with:
33 Backgrounds 5 Logo reveals 15 Facial expressions 30 Animations 30+ Outfits 30+ Hair styles Easy color customization No plug-ins required
Each character is animated, ready to drag-and-drop onto the timeline. The main composition allows fast customization.
Features: - 33 backgrounds - 5 logo reveals - unlimited characters to create - 30 animations - 15 facial expressions - 30+ outfits - 30+ footwear - 14 glasses (7 for male & 7 for female) - 10 hats (5 for male & 5 for female) - 30+ hair styles - 6 mustaches - 5 beards - easy color customization - no plug-ins required - clean and organized template - helpful documentation - video tutorial - 4 pre made story
Features: Configurable and Customizable Character Design Toolkit that allows you to create an unlimited number of unique characters: 30 animations 15 facial expressions 30+ outfits 30+ footwear 14 glasses (7 for male & 7 for female) 5 beard styles (facial hair) 10 hats (5 for male & 5 for female) 30+ hairstyles 6 mustaches Use your own pictures of faces Animated Backgrounds: city environment sandy beach trees in the park outer space home setting office layout businessman desk kitchen store or shop and many more!
Other Elements: 50+ animated icons, 5+ logo reveals and transitions Premade stories: Business in the city Home Office Business Design Team or agency E-commerce and Digital Marketing
easy color customization, no plugins required, clean and organized template, helpful documentation, video tutorials, includes 4 pre made stories.
Quality, Tutorials & Support: Our creative team at VidAdBox strives to deliver highest quality templates that are simple to use, efficient and visually attractive. We ensure that the after effects templates are updated, while resolving any issues or complaints that are reported by the users.
With the included tutorials that you can find in the template or on Youtube, a lot can be done independently. But sometimes questions or issues arise, so we also give our 110% in support of our clients.
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