AE模板 魔法圣诞节捕获卡通火柴人视频设计开场 Capture the Christmas Spirit - Christmas Card Animation
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Universal Expressions Yes
Length 0:29
Resolution 3840x2160
File Size 192mb
Media Placeholders 3
Text Placeholders 3
Trap & capture the Spirit of this Xmas in a gift box, with this beautiful and fun concept Holiday Greetings animated video e-card. An original idea, unusual & different template! Just add your logo and wishing texts, & share (via social media or e-mail) the video with your friends or customers to spread this magical Xmas atmosphere!
Easy colorize Inkman stick figure (X-mas Spirit / Father Christmas)! Match to your logo!
Easily customize greeting texts to your needs! (three sides of the gift-box). Use your favorite fonts, or the ones in preview video.
Use the available symbols (fragile or snowflake) in the second side, or add your own shapes!
To render this project you need software: After Effects CS5 or higher versions (Render even with the trial version!)
No need for extra plugins
UltraHD 4k 3840X2160, FullHD 1920×1080, HD 1280X720 or Web 960×540 ready to render resolutions!
Video tutorial with voice & short written help guide are also included!
动画框卡卡通圣诞节滑稽礼品盒问候语 魔术圣诞老人圣诞老人愿望圣诞节