Blockbuster Title Pack Explosions 22352530
After Effects Version CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6
Files Included After Effects Project Files, Video Files, Image Files, Design Files
Universal Expressions Yes
Length 0:10, 0:14
Resolution 3840x2160
File Size 1.86GB
Media Placeholders 1
Text Placeholders 1
Tags blockbuster, chrome, cinema, cinematic, exploding, explosion, fire, hollywood, Michael Bay, pack, smoke, sting, teaser, title, trailer
When creating Titles for a Trailer or Teaser, you do not want to use the same Title over and over, cause that will look repetitive, boring and unprofessional. Blockbuster Title Packs are designed to deliver you a lot of Variations of one specific style so that you will never have to worry about running out of Variations.
This Pack includes 10 different Title Animations that you can combine with 13 different Explosions, giving you a whopping 130 Variations to choose from. Create your own Titles for your Trailer or Teaser in seconds. You can change fonts, colors, switch on/off elements and further customize these Title Stings within one easy to use control layer. All examples shown in the preview were created with just a few clicks.
The Explosions were created by me in a 3D application and are prerendered.
13 different Explosions
10 different Text Animations
Reveal Logos and Text
render the Title Stings with Transparency and lay them over your Footage
included Tutorial teaches you how to work with the Project files – no After Effects experience is required
CS6 and above
up to 3840×2160 4K Ultra HD Resolution (Full-HD Output and lower are possible, too)
no Plugins required
easy controls
Tutorial included